2023 Global Speaker Series: China and the Global South
Friday, March 24, 2023 | 10 AM China Standard Time
(Thursday, March 23, 2023 | 10 PM US ET)
If you want to understand global issues, you must understand China’s relationships — in plural. In a world where developing countries are creating new trade routes and identities, US-China relations aren't the whole story.
In this innovative hybrid event hosted at Duke Kunshan University — the only university in the Global South with a sister campus in the American South, Duke University — we dive deep into China’s complex relationships across the developing world with two leading scholars in the field, Professor Pippa Morgan and Professor David Landry.
We’ll discuss what the "Global South" is and how it shapes international relations in a post-COVID world, the key trends shaping China's relations with developing countries — from debt to "common destiny" — and why these trends matter as you pursue global careers in policy, finance, innovation, technology, and other sectors.