Nexus: The Global South Journal

Elevating fresh perspectives. Empowering future scholars.

Nexus is the first undergraduate-led, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to research, artwork, and essays that examine critical issues facing developing countries of the Global South.

Publishing annually online and in print, Nexus closes the opportunity gap between undergraduates and serious academic research on humanity’s most critical challenges, while highlighting Global South perspectives marginalized in scholarship and media.

Nexus is rooted in the principle of interdisciplinarity. We believe that to foster deep understanding of complex issues, it’s necessary to frame our research in (and continuously interrogate) cross-cutting frameworks like “the Global South”.

We publish submissions side-by-side across many different fields, from critical humanities to international political economy to environmental science. We focus on four major themes:

Sustainable development and climate change

International relations and political economy

Conflict, displacement, and migration

Histories, cultures, and movements of the Global South

Nexus is a peer-reviewed journal. An interdisciplinary team of editors, student peer reviewers, and external reviewers chosen for subject matter expertise on your research topic will give detailed feedback on papers through several rounds of editing. Recent external reviewers have come from graduate and professional schools at institutions like Duke and Harvard. This is your chance to get a taste of what academic research can be like.

If this sounds compelling to you, browse our most recent issue below and reach out to let us know your interest in collaborating or submitting for our next publication cycle in Spring 2025!

Take a look at leading undergraduate research on the Global South

We are excited to share that our 2024 issue is now under professional copy-editing and will be online soon!

In the meantime, we are proud to present our 2023 issue, covering over a dozen disciplines and countries.


Nexus is published in print and online with institutional funding support from research centers at Duke University and Duke Kunshan University (DKU). The Nexus Editorial Board has editorial autonomy and our sponsors and their affiliated faculty and institutions do not review, approve, or endorse the final contents of any Nexus publication.

In addition to our sponsors at the Duke Kunshan University Humanities Research Center and Duke Center for International Development, we extend our sincere gratitude to our faculty mentors and supporters, graduate student reviewers, cover art contributors, and above all, our diverse undergraduate authors transforming the conversation on the Global South.