See the impact of the largest global development innovation challenge organized by youth, for youth
Organized by South-North Scholars on 4 continents and supported by United Nations colleagues, we invited our fellow young leaders worldwide to form multicultural teams that provided UN human development experts with innovative perspectives and solutions.
Our teams engaged with public and private sector expertsfrom institutions like the UN, World Bank, Oxford University, Duke University, and McKinsey & Co. They developed data-driven proposals identifying humanity’s top challenge and an innovative solution.
Over 3,000 young people in 132 countries participated as proposal authors or by voting for the global top teams. These teams presented their vision directly to leading experts at the United Nations during our youth-led innovation symposium — and saw global youth insights inform the flagship global Human Development Report process.
South-North Scholars and our collaborators at the UN and beyond are working to reimagine future editions of Solving for Humanity as an enduring channel for youth to offer strategic inputs at the highest levels of the global agenda. Stay in touch for updates.
Solving for Humanity empowers young leaders to be valued thought partners to the United Nations in defining humanity’s key problems — and developing innovative, data-driven solutions.
A multicultural community representing 120+ countries